Book Cover

Plunkett Research

Company brief

Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. For the Accurate, Timely, Innovative Information of Market Research & Data Analysis for top Global Industries

You get the complete data and market research for the industry(s) of your choice, including industry trends analysis, statistical tables, forecasts, contacts, mailing lists and company profiles


Client’s goal was to create a cover and back page for his two research books on Biotech & Genetics and Nanotechnology & MEMS.

My Role

To design front and back pages for his research books and inner pages text.

My sincere thanks!!

Mr. Jack W. Plunkett of Plunkett Research LTD for using his name and 2 books name to design the book cover.

It will be my greatest pleasure if I got a chance to design something for the company.